The really really Christian party
Posted on 08 May 2010, 22:15
One of the truly surreal moments on election night was hearing the Returning Officer for a constituency in Wales reading out the results. In among the party names of Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat was the trying-too-hard name of ‘Christian Party Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship’. Great way to get a bit of preaching into the name of your party, though.
I’ve since checked them out on Wikipedia and find they’ve registered that name (along with eight other non-preachy ones) with the Electoral Commission. They even have an exclamation mark as part of the registration, so that’s what you see on the ballot paper: ‘Christian Party Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship!’ I wonder if there have been any glorious conversions as a result in the privacy of the voting booth?
The party’s policies are predictably fruit and nut: pro death penalty and smacking, pro chastity teaching and creationism in schools; anti abortion and anti use of addressing women as Ms, and enthusiastic about taxing beer, wine and spirits at a stratospheric rate. But I notice with disapproval that they’ve fallen away from the biblical gold standard by not insisting on death by stoning for violating the sabbath (Exodus 35:2).
Personally I’m beseeching the Lord for some keener brethren to come along and take them to task for their liberalism. Please pray with me for the launch of the ‘Christian Party by Grace are Ye Saved by Faith and that Not of Yourselves, it is the Gift of God’.
That’s the party we really really need.