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Cover of Milton Jones's book, 10 Second Sermons
10 second sermons

Posted on 04 September 2011, 0:35

‘What kind of an almighty God couldn’t make the world in seven days?’ asks Milton Jones, in his new book, 10 Second Sermons.

Milton’s one-line gags and glassy-eyed delivery have always seemed to me to come from some unhinged parallel universe. And I’m not necessarily talking about the Church of England. In this book he give us some equally unhinged angles on church, faith, God and all that.

Looked at one way, this is a slim but lovingly produced book of short jokes and observations, illustrated with Milton’s Thurber-like cartoons. We get his deadpan take on the ups, downs, disappointments, surprises and downright weirdities of faith. But on another level, they live up to the ‘sermon’ tag by delivering stuff which makes you think as well as laugh. (Hang on, when did a sermon ever do that for me?)

For instance…

Church should be everyone arriving with one piece of the jigsaw.

As we know, Jesus was a very humble man who said ‘I am God’!

Christians sometime shout ‘Once I was dead but now I’m alive!’ But then so do zombies.

Every church toilet should have one. Every church minister should have one. They could use one of Milton’s jokes to open the sermon and then shut up and sit down.

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Ah. Zombies.  I have an atheist friend who always wears a zombie t-shirt at Easter-time. And actually, I often do the same. After all, I’ll remark, don’t we believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead?

Furthermore, I think a Zombie-Flashmob would be a great outreach event. (And if any church organises such a thing, I’d be glad to attend.)

Howard, Mon 5 Sep, 15:14

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