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‘Writers like to sleep late, they like to read the newspaper slowly, they like to have long lunches, and they hate to write.’ So wrote a Sunday newspaper journalist, and I’ve found it hard to disagree with him. I love having written, but can find 1001 other things to do when faced with a blank screen.

Despite that, here are some of my features published in recent and not-so recent times.

Church Times
The Shroud revealed

Channel 4 website
Gay vicars
Christmas… the musical
Faith, film and fury
The Da Vinci Code
Who wrote the Bible?
Advent: Season of longing

The Guardian
The URL of the Beast

BBC Radio scripts
Reflections on Beatles songs
Let it Be
I Me Mine
Lucy in the Sky

Diana: Saint-in-waiting
A txt 4 2day


turin cathedral

Turin Cathedral, as featured in my recent feature for the Church Times on the Shroud of Turin.

Of all the Christian festivals of the year, Christmas is the most wayward, and the season has been a battleground between faith and fun for at least 1,000 years
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